Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Grimm Conclusion (2013)

The Grimm Conclusion. Adam Gidwitz. 2013. Penguin. 368 pages. [Source: Library]

I loved the first book in this series, A Tale Dark and Grimm. I loved the "Hansel" and "Gretel" siblings. Seeing their story told and retold and expanded and adapted. The writing was unique and fresh and just fun. I struggled through the second book, In a Glass Grimmly. The focus was again on a pair of siblings: Jack and Jill, I believe. But for some reason, the book was a chore for me. The writing that had so delighted me in book one was just obnoxious to me (remember, reading is so subjective!). I just didn't connect to the characters or delight in any of the plot twists. So I had low expectations for the third book, The Grimm Conclusion. Would I love it? Would I hate it? Would I be annoyed or delighted? The answer? I liked it. If I were to compare it my reaction to the first book, "like" is the perfect word. To clarify, the first half of the book I would have dared say LOVE. However, the second half of the book had some problems. (When the characters start hearing the narrator in their heads, when the characters visit the narrator in his classroom and meet his students, when they hear the teacher/narrator tell stories, when they listen to the narrator/teacher/author READ A Tale Dark and Grimm and In a Glass Grimmly out loud. When they have a heart-to-heart discussion on emotional health. Maybe not all readers will disconnect from the story at those points and find fault.) If I were to compare it to my reaction to the second book, I would say it might be really really close to love. While I didn't love, love, love every single chapter in this third book, I connected and engaged with it in a way that I never did with the second. So it was definitely more successful for me!

Jorinda and Joringle. The third book focuses on this pair of siblings. I liked the stories touched upon and twisted and adapted and expanded.

© 2014 of SukaYuka's Book Reviews

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